
My name is Lisa.  I’m a 40-something-year-old typical happy-go-lucky, crazy, young woman.  On June 30, 2014, I had a routine surgery, which ended up with a “Surprise! You have Endometriosis” diagnosis.  Since my diagnosis, I’ve been doing everything I can to not only learn about my disease, but also help raise awareness.  During these efforts, I’m also helping any way possible to raise funds for various foundations and charities to aid in the research and development of treatments and, hopefully, one day a cure. I’ve now had a total of six excision surgeries (including two bowel resections) since 2014.

Photo of Lisa Howard

I pledge to my readers, fellow EndoSisters, and anyone else: I will never seek to profit from this.  I will freely share anything I’ve learned with you.  The money raised in a Bloomin’ Uterus fundraiser will never enter my personal pocket: I will donate it to a charity of my choosing whom I have fully researched and trust to do the most with our money.  Any support groups, meet-ups, or walks I organize will never charge admission or registration.  Nor will they be a platform for those who seek to self promote their interests and products for profit, popularity, political or personal gain. You are not a consumer to me.  You are a fellow Warrior.

If you’d like to contact me for any reason, feel free by filling out this form:

My preferred pronouns are: she/her/hers

17 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Ya know, having endometriosis may suck, but at the very least you know what the cause of your pain is. I never had a diagnosis to refer to — simply dysmenorrhea and unexplained infertility. Sorry you have this … and just know that you are NOT alone!


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  2. great attitude! it’s great to see how positive you are feeling. (although i have to guess that there’s a lot of difficult feelings under the surface.) at least you can feel that you are doing something to help yourself, not mentioning how you’re helping people more aware of the disease. i run into people who have never heard of it pretty often.

    one thing that pisses me off to no end is people (especially men) get really grossed out and say TMI or just say they don’t want to hear it. it seems like they’ think it’s a woman’s issue and we should keep it to ourselves. they can talk about lung cancer, but not about endometriosis because it’s a woman’s disease and it’s about our reproductive cringe and act disgusted as though you’r “unclean” like, biblically unclean.

    we’re not even allowed to talk about our debilitating disease without at someone thing that we ourselves are disgusting and if we weren’t we wouldn’t be talking about our uterus or anything to do with periods. sometimes those people make me so angry i’d love to give them a big punch in the nose!

    there is no more shame in having endometriosis than having something like…lung cancer? diabetes? lupus?

    i hope you’re able to help women share their struggles with confidence. ❤ sounds like you're doing the right thing!

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  3. Lisa,
    Thanks for liking a post about endo on my blog. I’ve had endo since 1988….have had a few laparoscopies and had a hysterectomy over 2 years ago, followed by another laparoscopy. Pelvic pain is back and I am facing another surgery, even though I’m post menopausal. Like you,I am beginning to post on my blog about my experience and add information to promote awareness.

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    1. Hi Jackie! I’m looking forward to reading your posts 🙂 I’m sorry to hear your pain has returned and am hoping you find some form of relief…I’ve heard tales of post-hysterectomy, post-menopausal women with recurring Endo pain. Relentless disease just loves you too much to say goodbye 😉 Hang in there, woman. And together we can raise some amazing awareness!


  4. This is a great website, just spent a half hour reading through all your posts, so informative, thank you for pulling so much information together. It’s so frustrating that medical research is only in the early stages of such a debilitating and heartbreaking disease. Would love to help raise awareness where I can too SC x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello Lisa! I’m so happy to find this blog. I spent some time reading the different readers’ stories and your posts here – They are so great! I feel so much less alone, which was exactly my hope in starting to connect here. Thank you for sharing so much and for the positivity.

    p.s. I’ve always wanted to go to Burning Man – it looks like an amazing experience!!! I don’t know if I’ll ever make it there, but seeing all the artwork and costumes online is just amazing.


    1. Awwwwwwwww, you’re so welcome! And thank you for letting me know 🙂 I’m glad to hear of the connection you now feel with so many others. It’s all I’ve ever wanted with this blog: a reminder that each one of us is not alone, that we are still beautiful and human, even in our state of brokenness. ❤ PS – one day you will make it to the Burn. 🙂


  6. Thank you for all the information that you are sharing in your blog – for your positive attitude, rational approach, openmindness, and good spelling and grammar 🙂 .

    I appreciate so much that you aren’t trying to profit from the blog – no “listicles”, no ebooks, no private-label supplement to sell, no VIP area with email signup and password required.
    …Tonight I have visited for the first time a few blogs on this issue, and there was one, while it seemed to offer great information in a series of blog posts, that actually “hid” most of the information that was “promised” in the titles of the blog posts in a set of ebooks that had to be paid for. When the profiteering is so entrenched on a website that the “informative” blog is just masquerading as a weekly infomercial with interesting titles above a few waffling paragraphs lacking any real content except for the url of the ebooks’ payment page, it is terribly off-putting, and I quickly moved on from that one.

    By contrast, I’ve spent much more time on your site tonight, so much so that I lost track of time and it’s the middle of the night now, way past when I intended to go to bed — at least my circadian rhythm is in its happy place (whilst not suited to mainstream society’s sleep/wake schedule!)

    Lisa, best wishes to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for this!!!!!!! You get it!!!!! I’ve been to the page I believe you’re talking about. And when I ran into the bedroom this morning to share this with my husband, he immediately mentioned the same page I was thinking and rolled his eyes. Ha. Have you read my series on “Sisterhood”? It’s a 3-part blog … focusing on the very issues that I take issue with. Inspired by … sounds like you pretty much figured that out. ❤ Never ever ever should we charge for sharing information and helping others. In any aspect of our lives.


  7. Just noticed that I mis-spelled “openmindedness” right before mentioning “spelling”!
    Ha ha – can I plead lack of sleep? 😉 It’s true though – I’m feeling pretty foggy here at 3:30 am.

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  8. Lisa, about an hour ago, I wrote a long reply to one of your comments that you addressed to me this morning on this page, and when I was about to press “send”, I was called away from my computer for about an hour. When I got back to my desk, my whole reply had disappeared off the screen, but the rest of the browser page looked as it did before — so I’m not sure what happened to my reply! No one else has been near my computer. I don’t know if I pressed “send” before I left, and it went to your spam folder instead of being posted directly, or if I didn’t send it and the browser page refreshed on its own when I was away and deleted what I had typed into the comments box (that would be unusual because my browser normally does not refresh itself like that).

    I tried to do a “paste” to see if I had copied and pasted what I’d written before I stepped away from my desk (which I usually do), but only one line *from the middle of* that missing comment appears when I hit “paste” (control-v) (which is also kind of weird, because there is no way I’d go to the effort to do a copy and paste, but only manage to copy one line from the middle of a comment that was about 8 paragraphs long and had taken me quite a while to write!)

    If I did press the submit button, and my post contained some things that got flagged by your spam filter, please delete the problematic sections, if the rest of it is suitable to allow through.
    (I hope that is the explanation of what happened to it, because otherwise, it’s pretty weird that it just disappeared!)

    And once you’ve read this, please feel free to delete this particular comment entirely, since it’s not about the subject matter at hand, it’s just about a momentary posting problem.
    Sorry to be so long-winded. 🙂


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